P a r t n e r i n g f o r g r o w t h

W e p a r t n e r w i t h s u c c e s s f u l e n t r e p r e n e u r s a n d f a m i l y - o w n e d b u s i n e s s e s t o d r i v e g r o w t h a n d s c a l e o p e r a t i o n s

Freshstream was established as an independent firm in 2020. Our founding partners have a long-standing history of working together, accrued over two decades, identifying compelling investment opportunities and creating value. We partner with successful entrepreneurs and families to drive growth and scale operations in Western Europe, with a particular focus on the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Ireland.

Our values

Our values underpin everything we do and are reflected in all aspects of how we conduct business.

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  • We are committed to earning the trust of those who place their businesses in our hands.
  • We recognise the confidence that investors have in us and work to safeguard their investments.
  • We support each other as a team and enjoy working together.
  • We do what we say we will do.


  • We have bold ambitions and set a high bar for ourselves and our portfolio companies.
  • We are tenacious and recognise that success rarely comes at the first attempt.
  • We remain focused on the things that really make the difference.
  • We exhibit a bias to action; when in doubt, we try it.


  • We respect the experience and knowledge of the management teams we partner with.
  • We encourage open, respectful dialogue, especially in disagreement.
  • We value the environment and communities we operate in and seek to make a positive contribution to both.


  • We seek to deeply understand the companies and sectors we invest in.
  • We love to test prevailing assumptions and get excited about new ways of doing things.
  • We trust data and facts, not opinions.


  • We don’t have all the answers; we listen before we speak.
  • We are not entitled to succeed; we strive to prove our value in every interaction.
  • We are quick to admit, and learn from, our mistakes.

Value creation

At Freshstream, we’re passionate about supporting entrepreneurs to accelerate the growth of their companies and ensure that they are future-proof. We don’t just do this from the board room, but also on the ground where it matters. We provide ideas, experience, connections, and most of all our time and effort to turn ideas into reality.